If your spouse or partner has the Words of Affirmation Love Language, you might have found yourself struggling with how to literally speak their love language.

I’ve talked before about how my husband’s love language is Acts of Service. I even gave 101 gift ideas for the Acts of Service Love Language!
Today I wanted to talk about one of my love languages: Words of Affirmation.
What are The 5 Love Languages?
The Five Love Languages are based on a book by Gary Chapman by the same name. There’s SO much great info in this book about communication and how to express love in a way that ensures the recipient’s needs are met emotionally so that they feel the love. That’s the really short version.
The Five Love Languages are:
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation
Receiving Gifts
Quality Time
Physical Touch

What is the Words of Affirmation Love Language?
According to the book, if Words of Affirmation is your Love Language, you find words (especially unsolicited compliments) really fill your cup. You might find that hurtful words are especially damaging, moreso for you than for other people who don’t have this particular Love Language.
Words DO matter to us, and in some cases, actually do speak louder than actions.
If the right words can make or break your emotions, then Words of Affirmation might be your Love Language!

Take the 5 Love Languages Quiz
If you haven’t yet done so, you and your partner need to find out what your Love Language is. To do that, you need to take the Love Language Quiz which you can find here on Gary Chapman’s website.
If your partner’s Love Language is Words of Affirmation, you’ll want to bookmark this list as there are some great words here to get you started.
Not everyone is Shakespeare, but truly you don’t have to be. The less scripted the better, so use these words as inspiration rather than trying to recite them from memory.
Drop a few of these throughout your day, every day to truly let your partner know how much you love and appreciate them!

101 Words of Affirmation Love Language Ideas
You are a wonderful parent to our children.
I am lucky to have met you.
I love it when you…
You make me happy.
Thank you for always being there for me.
I appreciate you.
You are the best.
You are brave.
Life is better with you in it.
You are a beautiful person.
I knew I loved you when…
I don’t know what I’d do without you.
I support you.
You are very beautiful.
You brighten up my day.
Being with you is my favorite part of my day.
You always know just what to say.
You are the best partner I could have asked for.
I admire your strength.
Your laughter is contagious.
Your laugh is the best thing in the world.
You make me want to be the best version of myself.
I am a better person for having met you.
You inspire me.
I always smile when I think of you.
Thank you for always listening to me.
Thank you for everything you do.
I am so proud of you.
You are fun to be around.
You are as beautiful/handsome as the day we met.
You are always so thoughtful.
I appreciate the way you handled…
You are strong.
I love you fiercely.
You impressed me when you…
I believe in you.
You are my everything.
Your love encourages me.
You have a beautiful smile.
I appreciate all you give and sacrifice for our family.
I see you, and all that you do.
Let me take you out tonight.
My partner is a total babe!
I am so lucky to have married you.
You are beautiful on the inside AND the outside.
Thank you for standing beside me.
I trust you.
I truly value your opinions.
Hey beautiful/handsome!

You work really hard for us, and I definitely notice.
I appreciate so much when you…
I am always here if you need me.
You are genuinely talented at…
I love that you have such a caring heart.
You are always so kind and generous.
I think you look amazing.
You are my favorite human.
You mean the world to me.
You have the BEST sense of humor.
You are my happy place.
My coworkers know that I have the best spouse.
You can do this!
You can handle whatever life throws at you.
You are a badass!
Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve you.
You are wonderful.
You are my forever person.
You light up my life.
You’re all I ever wanted.
I love the time we spend together.
We make a great pair.
You make even the most dull things exciting!
You are so encouraging.
You always know the right words to say.
When I’m with you, all my troubles feel insignificant.
You have opened my eyes to so many amazing things.
You always give the most thoughtful gifts.
I learn something new from you every day.
You are truly a unique spirit.
I can’t keep my eyes off of you.
We can do anything together.
Every day with you is a wonderful adventure.
I am so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with you.
You “GET” me.
There’s no one else I’d rather go through life with.
I hear you.

Nice butt.
I am thankful for you.
I am glad to have you as my spouse because…
You lift my spirits!
Thank you for…
I would choose you again and again.
You’re doing a great job.
I am your biggest cheerleader.
You can do anything.
You always do such an amazing job at ….
I’d do anything for you.
You are so driven!
I noticed that you…
You get my motor running!