Shhhh, don’t tell your little ones that these are healthy muffin recipes for kids, just let them enjoy the yummy chocolate, creamy peanut butter and banana and apple cinnamon-y goodness of these awesome muffins!

Breakfast can be a bit of a sticking point for some families. You want a healthy breakfast for your kids (and you too obviously) but you don’t have a lot of time.
That’s why these healthy muffin recipes for kids are so awesome- you can make them ahead of time and it’s an easy grab-and go breakfast solution!
There’s a bunch of AMAZING recipes here that I wanted to share, and I think your family will find a new favorite that works for you.
Pro tip: If you’re in the mood for a banana nut muffin but don’t want the hassle, get all those same yummy flavors in this banana bread overnight oatmeal recipe!
Are muffins a healthy snack or breakfast?
They definitely can be! While some muffin recipes are laden with sugar, these healthy muffin recipes are loaded with protein, fruits and vegetables to help your family start the day off right!
These healthy muffin recipes for kids are definitely a better choice than those sugary breakfast cereals (and way cheaper too!)
What’s the difference between a muffin and a cupcake?
A lot! Usually cupcakes have a ton more calories and sugar and a lot less nutrients. This of course means that cupcakes (while very delicious) are not the best breakfast choice and that muffins are definitely healthier than cupcakes.
Are these muffin recipes good for toddlers?
You’ll want to consult your pediatrician but in general yes, these recipes would all be fine for a toddler. Your child’s palate may dictate that some of these are a no-go, but in general most of these would be toddler-friendly muffins.
Any recipes containing protein powder, artificial sweeteners or honey might be ones to avoid for your toddler but it’s always best to consult your doctor first to be certain what is safe for your child to consume.
What’s the healthiest muffin to eat?
That is going to depend a lot on your dietary requirements but in general a muffin with low sugar, high protein and healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables is going to be a healthy choice.
Healthy Muffin Recipes for Kids
These healthy muffin recipes for kids are the perfect on-the-go weekday morning breakfast. Fill those bellies with nutritious fruits and veggies without a ton of added sugar.
Can you believe a muffin that looks this good is both vegan AND gluten-free? It's true! It's adapted from a vegan, gluten-free NUTELLA banana bread recipe so they've gotta be good.
These strawberry protein muffins with chocolate chips might have almost made me lick my computer screen. I feel like a smear of peanut butter would give this like PB&J with chocolate chip vibes and I am so here for it.
For a fun and savory twist on a healthy muffin recipe for kids, we have healthy breakfast egg muffins! You can swap out the filling ingredients to your kid's tastes. Think turkey bacon, sausage crumbles, broccoli and cheese, or whatever combination of things your kids love!
So simple, so beautiful, and SO delicious! These paleo raspberry coconut muffins are the perfect sweet and tart morning treat for your belly.
What's better than apple cinnamon muffins? Gluten-free apple cinnamon muffins, that's what! I can practically smell these muffins right now, and my mouth is watering! A knob of butter melting after you split it down the center and you have sheer perfection!
Shhhh, don't tell the kids this is a healthy muffin recipe! There's zucchini hidden in these devilish double chocolate muffins! They'll never know these muffins are actually good for them!
Here's another muffin giving PB&J vibes but this time with banana! Dig in to these scrumptious mini-muffins and feel good about giving your kids a warm, healthy breakfast in no time flat!
A fun twist on your typical apple cinnamon muffin, these applesauce chia muffins are packed with protein using chia and Greek yogurt for a healthy spin on an old favorite!
Another uber chocolate-y muffin option that is still super healthy! These triple chocolate muffins are packed with avocado goodness and are both gluten-free AND dairy-free. All I know is I want them IN MY BELLY.
Which of these healthy muffin recipes for kids are you most looking forward to trying? If you have made any of these I’d love to hear what you think!