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What I’m Reading in February

For YEARS I have struggled with finding things to read that kept my attention. Part of that of course is due to my ADHD, but even aside from that, sometimes I felt like I just didn’t know what to read.

book on wood background with colorful bookmark

Since reading is awesome, and I am trying to be more mindful in how I spend my free time, I wanted to start working on reading more.

I meant to start this “what I’m reading” series last month buuuuut life got the best of me and here we are and I am trying not to judge myself for my slackery.

The Best Motivational Books of 2018 are here! I selected these personal development books because they are all on my reading list for this year! Part of my New Year's Resolution was to read more, and I selected some great books that will help me as an entrepreneur, blogger and woman! motivation | inspiration | mindset | self-help | happiness | quotes | ideas

So, in the spirit of “better late than never” we are starting this what I’m reading series RIGHT NOW!

Some of these books I started last month, soooooo I guess technically that counts as what I’m reading in January too, right?

While we’re on the topic of reading and procrastination, riddle me this:

Why is it that although I love reading I struggle to find the time and motivation to do it? I have the hardest time sitting down with a book and actually reading it.

I guess maybe that’s because reading doesn’t feel productive, more like an indulgence and that I should be doing other things.

Maybe that’s something I need to unpack and work on in my own life: Making time to read just for the enjoyment of reading!

Do you struggle with that too? Please tell me I’m not the only one!

Anyway, this month I am making time for myself, and making time to read. So let’s look at what is gonna be on my nightstand this month!

What I'm Reading in February