I love my pets. I really do. Unfortunately though…I don’t love how they make my house smell. Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t DIRTY, but sometimes there’s just a lingering pet smell, or as I like to call it… “Dog Stink”. Let’s talk about how to make the best home air freshener to combat Dog Stink.
Fortunately I have found some easy ways to eliminate pet odors, and for the most part, its as simple as vacuuming. The key to eliminating pet odors is making sure all the fur and dander is out of the carpet and upholstery.
Hands down the BEST home air freshener is not actually a home air freshener spray, but a very simple 3 step process that starts at the source of most stinks: the carpet!
How to make the best home air freshener and be rid of Dog Stink for good!
Step #1: Make and use a natural carpet deodorizer
Don’t buy that expensive, perfume-y carpet sprinkle junk at the store. It’s a rip off, and its full of who-knows-what kinds of chemicals and perfumes, and it just covers up smells.
I don’t know what they put in there, but no matter what kind I get it makes me sneeze, and often it makes my pets sneeze too!
There’s no need to buy an expensive carpet powder you’re just gonna vacuum up anyway. Plus, its so incredibly simple (and delightfully cheap) to make, you can control what scent and what amount of scent is used, and its safe and non-toxic for pets and kids!
Now, there’s lots of recipes out there for carpet deodorizing powders, but the key is to keep it simple. All you need to make the best home air freshener is baking soda, and essential oils of your choice. Simply dump the box of baking soda into a jar (whatever jar you have is fine, I used a mason jar because its easiest).
Then add your essential oil depending on the scent you’re using and how strong you want the scent to be (best to start with less and add more).
I used two oils, Tangerine and Bergamot, I find citrus scents to be best for combating pet odors, as both have antibacterial and deodorizing properties, but you can use whatever you find pleasing.
Be sure to check to make sure the oils you choose are not toxic to your pets. Also, remember when I said to keep your recipe simple? There are carpet sprinkle recipes out there that include Borax for fighting fleas. Borax is toxic to fleas, but its also toxic to pets.
DO NOT use Borax in your carpet powder if you have pets, as they may ingest trace amounts and become sick. Better safe than sorry right?
Anyway, back to the BEST HOME AIR FRESHENER! Just add your oils, replace the lid, and shake well for 30-60 seconds to mix very thoroughly.
To make the “shaker” part, simply trace the lid onto a sheet of card stock and punch holes in the card stock. Then replace the lid with the card stock shaker, and twist on the ring.
Voila! Hands down the best home air freshener I have ever used, and it doesn’t even get sprayed in the air!
To use, simply sprinkle a liberal amount on your carpet, couch, mattress, doggy beds…anywhere you need a little freshness. Then allow to sit for a few minutes before vacuuming up. Easy as that!
Step #2: Use a good-quality vacuum
Vacuums don’t necessarily have to be expensive to be good quality. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a Dyson.
Recently, Eureaka sent us the Eureka SuctionSeal 2.0, and it works PERFECTLY on pet hair, and I know a thing or two about pet hair.
This is Bear.
For those of you who haven’t heard about Bear…Bear is probably one of the furriest dogs you’ll ever meet. He’s two parts collie, one part husky and 100% shed-machine.
Seriously, I have never met a dog that puts off as much fur as he does. He sheds in clumps. We lovingly call them “tumbleweeds”.
His fur is everywhere, and because he actually has TWO coats of fur (an outer coat of long fur, and a thick wiry undercoat) his fur is so dense, its hard to really give him a good bath. Therefore he tends to have that lovely doggy aroma…you know…Dog Stink.
Bear makes some pretty epic messes, especially when we brush him. When we get him to sit still long enough to be brushed, we usually remove enough fur to make a second dog.
He sheds everywhere, AND he tracks in all sorts of dirt, sand, leaves and junk because he has long fur on his paws too. He also loves “trash can snacks”: that’s when he steal tissues from the bathroom garbage cans and shred them in to tiny little pieces and leave trails of them everywhere. Grosssss.
It’s a never-ending battle trying to eliminate pet odors, and so we knew we would have to equip a pretty great vacuum.
When shopping for a vacuum as a pet owner, there’s a few things you need to look for.
You want one that has an allergen filter and scatter-proof cleaning. Nothing worse than those lightweight hairs getting blown all over the place instead of being sucked up!
You want a vacuum that doesn’t lose suction, and a canister vac for ease of cleaning out (so it doesn’t get clogged or start dumping dirt back into your carpet!) And lastly you want something with good reach: both a long cord and a long hose are so important if you want to be able to maneuver stairs, couches, window sills and all the other places that pet fur and dander can hide.
You can’t eliminate pet odors if you can’t reach their source! Thankfully the Eureka has attachments that make cleaning non-floors a breeze.
Oh, and make sure you get a vacuum that has washable filters. Unless you like paying lots of money for hard-to-find replacement filters. Which I do not. Now do a little happy dance, because the SuctionSeal 2.0 has washable filters!
We also use it on our vinyl floors and tile too. Because dog hair knows no bounds.
Step #3: Shampoo carpets periodically
I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but once or twice a year, shampooing your carpets will help eliminate pet odors.
If you don’t do it, eventually the smells will set in and its harder to get them out. By keeping up with it, its actually easier to maintain, you won’t struggle with deep, set-in stains as much, and your whole house will actually smell cleaner!
You can buy a carpet shampooer, or simply rent one from your local hardware store. There are lots of recipes out there for natural, chemical-free carpet cleaning solution as well if you’re worried about toxins. Make sure you vacuum very thoroughly before you shampoo, and skip the carpet powder.
Let the carpets dry thoroughly before you walk on them. Use fans and/or open windows if possible. Any moisture trapped in the carpet padding can cause more smells, so be sure to use as little water as possible in the shampooing process, and let it dry completely after.
It’s amazing how much you can eliminate pet odors with a good, thorough vacuuming. It is one small thing you can do that really makes a difference. Plus, regular vacuuming actually extends the life of your carpet!
Now that you know the secret of the best home air freshener, why not share it?

The Best Home Air Freshener
This is hands down the BEST home air freshener and it doesn't even get sprayed in the air. Clean, fresh homes start from the ground up with this DIY non-toxic carpet odor eliminator.
- 1 small box baking soda
- essential oils of your choice
- 1 sheet cardstock
- small hole punch
- scissors
- quart size mason jar with lid/ring
- Pour the box of baking soda into the mason jar
- Add approximately 40 drops of your favorite essential oil (or a mix of oils)
- Put the lid on the jar
- Shake vigorously for 1-2 minutes to mix the deodorizer
- Trace the lid of the jar onto the cardstock and cut out the circle
- Punch holes in the cardstock to make a shaker-top
- Place the cardstock with holes on top of the jar, use the ring to secure it
- Sprinkle a liberal amount onto your carpet, allow to sit a few minutes then vacuum up
Make sure to use essential oils that are safe for pets
Some oils are stronger than others, experiment with scents/blends to find your favorites, and adjust the number of drops as needed for your own preference.
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#DIY Pet-Safe Carpet Sprinkle • The Everyday Dog Mom
Tuesday 5th of November 2019
[…] to Rose at An Exercise in Frugality for the inspiration for this […]
Cheryl Smith
Sunday 5th of August 2018
I love the idea of shaking baking soda and essential oils on carpet and pet beds, however are there any oils to avoid because they are bad for dogs?
An Exercise in Frugality
Monday 6th of August 2018
Hi Cheryl!
Thanks for stopping by! There are definitely some essential oils that are bad for dogs, and some dogs may be allergic to certain ones as well. The two mentioned in the post are safe for pets however I would definitely suggest checking with your vet before you use any essential oils to make sure they are okay for your pets, especially if using them in close proximity like pet beds.
#DIY Pet-Safe Carpet Sprinkle | The Lazy Pit Bull
Monday 8th of May 2017
[…] to Rose at An Exercise in Frugality for the inspiration for this […]
Friday 15th of January 2016
Its a wonderful idea! I have three German Shepherds...and the amount of fur they shed is crazy.