Baby shower gift baskets are extremely popular. But buying a pre-made gift basket is impersonal, and often over-priced. You can use these baby shower basket gift ideas to create a super-personalized DIY baby shower gift for just about anyone.
I love doing a baby shower gift basket, it’s always so appreciated by new moms! You can change the contents to suit mom and baby whether she’s a new mom or this is her 7th child. It’s a great way to give an expensive looking baby shower gift without spending a ton of money, yet still giving a thoughtful, useful gift!

DIY Baby Shower Gift Basket
If you’re in your 20’s-30’s, chances are you have friends that are starting to get married and have kids.
This is an expensive time in our lives, because not only are we trying to start lives and families of our own, but we want to give a nice gift to our friends without breaking the bank.
So how do you purchase a nice gift for someone who is having a baby shower without going broke?
Baby shower gift baskets!
A couple summers ago, I was invited to the baby shower of a good friend of mine from high school, who was having a baby boy. I wanted to get her a gift that was most importantly, useful, but also one that wouldn’t make me go broke (baby stuff is EXPENSIVE!).
I didn’t want to be “cheap” either, because she’s a dear friend. Quite the predicament. So what did I do? I got a little creative and made this awesome baby shower gift basket!
You can purchase an empty basket, or use a nicer one you already have. Every couple weeks you can find baskets for 50% off at Michael’s (or use one of their awesome coupons)!
I lined the basket with decorative tissue paper, and filled it with baby essentials: diapers, ointment, baby bath, onesies, socks,etc.
Then to make it look pretty, I decorated the stacks of diapers with ribbon and topped it off with a monkey blanket. The baby clothes were the most expensive part, but I went in on the gift with a friend, and she contributed most of the baby clothes.
Now, to make this basket for even less, look for coupons for the items. Target often has printable store coupons for Circo crib sheets and things of that nature. You can always find printable coupons for diapers, wipes, baby food, toiletries and more.
If you’re looking for more things to put in the basket, why not throw in a couple things for mom? Some nice bubble bath, chocolates, or if she’s bottle feeding, you could give her some nice coffee (chances are she’s gonna need it!) or even a bottle of her favorite wine!
Here’s a few ideas for things you can put in your gift basket. Feel free to get creative, these are just a few suggestions of things new moms love, and things that can be bought on a tight budget!

Really the beauty of this gift is that it can be totally customized (breastfeeding? bottle feeding? organic? no problem!) and you can spend as much or as little as you wish. There’s no crazy markup like when you buy a pre-made baby shower gift basket so you save money there too.
Don’t worry if you’re not “creative”, even just folded nicely with a pretty bow this gift makes quite a statement.
While you’re here, why not check out some of my other great articles? Check out all my frugal lifestyle posts here!
Baby Shower Gift Basket Ideas:
cloth diapers
diaper cream
baby wipes
baby powder
baby wash/shampoo
baby socks
nail clippers
bubble bath (for mom)
breast pump supplies
infant Motrin
nasal aspirator
baby booties
vapor rub
burp cloths
receiving blankets
bottle brushes

Rose Siders
Sunday 28th of August 2022
Me looking for who asked you? ...... Oh wait. That's right. No one did. You took it upon yourself to come to my blog and insult my work. Good job. Thank your mom for the great job she did raising you with manners.
Daisy Battrick
Sunday 20th of June 2021
I need Ideas for my step mum's baby shower! No help at all! small basket ideas is what I need!
Daisy Battrick
Sunday 20th of June 2021
@Daisy Battrick,
cheapskate loved baby showers
Friday 23rd of August 2019
This is my GO TO idea, especially for a hospital gift, a welcome home gift, or a sprinkle - all things I want to send a gift but don't want to spend a lot. BUT I also want the gift to be used and appreciated.
Get a plastic tub or basket from dollar tree - guess what, these are PERFECT for bathtime with baby! Line it with tissue and get a plastic bag wrap. They always come with a bow, and for $2-3, you have your basket and wrapping. Another .50 at dollar tree for the card. (Hint, get a few extra and bring them to the shower - people often forget a card and you'll be super popular!)
Next, when you know baby is on the way and what season for the due date, you san start scouring the clearance racks for season-specific deals. I loaded up on 70% clearance gender neutral when TRU went out of business and made a baby basket for $30 with $100 worth of clothing. Maybe get one item per season. Onesie pajamas are great YEAR ROUND. Add a few packs of bibs and washcloths, a swaddling blanket, a pack of diapers and wipes. These are also all things you can find in any supermarket and can use coupons to save even more.
Sunday 21st of January 2018
After Easter you can find baskets for 90% off!
E.S. Ivy
Wednesday 2nd of March 2016
This is a cute idea! You can also find board books on sale at bookstores or in the bargain books section. Kohl's always have $5 stuffed animals and $5 picture books - *also* when these are bought Kohl's donates to a children's charity.
An Exercise in Frugality
Wednesday 2nd of March 2016
That's an excellent idea! I always forget about those deals. Thanks for sharing!